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package : ZenEngine/Core
Author : Bruno Desthuilliers Version : 0.0.5 public class ZenAbstractDocMakerThe interface a concrete docMaker class must expose.Dont use this class, it's only here for documentation. Functionspublic void ZenAbstractDocMakerConstructor, takes a reference to a contentManager and the path to a conf file.
The contentManager reference is needed by ComposedDocMakers so they can call backon the content manager to get the right docMakers for the parts. Parameters : object [unknown] $contentManager : Reference to the contentManager string $docMakerConf : Path to the config.file for the docMaker Return : (void) public string getErrorMsgReturn an error message if something went wrong when creating the document
Return : (string) An error message public mixed makeDocumentCreate the document corresponding to the docQueryData.
Note that the structure and content of the docQueryData are a convention betweenthe menuMaker and the docMaker. Parameters : mixed $docQueryData : Depends on the MenuMaker and DocMaker implementations Return : (mixed) The created document, or null if failed |
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