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ZenEngine::Contact# Where can I get some help ?There is a user mailing list for ZenEngine, that, strangely enough, is called Zenengine-users. You can subscribe here. It should be a low-traffic list for some times at least, but be sure I'll read and answer posts on this list. [top] # How can I contribute ?Well... There is much to do, but this is my first experience in an open-source project, and the project is pretty young, so I don't know what to say. One thing you can do is trying to develop some new packages, an SQL based one for exemple, or full-blown apps like a forum, a weblog, or anything else you can think of. Now if you've got any idea on how to improve the framework itself, or need to add functionalities to support a ZenEngine-based project, I guess the best thing to do would be to contact me. Last point : if you don't like the actual documentation and feel you could do better, please do it. [top] # Who's in charge of this project ?
Bruno Desthuilliers [top] |
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